Announcement Patch Note [Patch Notes] 0.0.7 Patch Notes


May 19, 2018
Hello AdeptGamers!

Here are the Patch notes of today's maintenace

General changes:

  • Decreased EXP of some quests between Lv. 12-15
  • Increased quest EXP of quests between Lv. 19-40
  • Increased gold gain for some (important) quests between Lv. 1-40
  • Buffed Chain Combo absolute damage -> Better early game
  • Added more absolute damage to enchant -> Better early game.
  • Added Soul Box (54 pcs) drops to chaos missions (they drop from mobs like dust)
  • Increased Lavalon/Mutisha/Bone death EXP. 5% of the monsters level. e.g: Lavalon: Lv. 47 -> Rewards 5% needed to go from Lv. 47 to Lv. 48.
Bug fixes:
  • Disabled all production quests
  • Disabled bandit camp portal
  • Fixed Bounty Quests (now daily)
  • Disabled Water Temple Drakan quest (as it is redundant)
  • Disabled Ragnarok quest

    Secret Zone Added to Canyon of Oblivion
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