Returning player here, used to play in 2013/2014 and theres been many changes since, glad i found this site <3
i love the game but im a bit confused with the ancients spawns, are they like they used to be, known days of the weeks and hours, or just random? does someone keep track of it?
Returning player here, used to play in 2013/2014 and theres been many changes since, glad i found this site <3
i love the game but im a bit confused with the ancients spawns, are they like they used to be, known days of the weeks and hours, or just random? does someone keep track of it?
This isn't the official NA server, so things are a bit different compared to when Sony/Daybreak ran the game.
There is a spawn calendar that is automated: Spawn calendar
Other than that daily dragons spawn the same, though we will look at doing some changes later on. We have also massively changed the Dungeon Dragon's, and will be expanding the dungeons that have Dragons soon.
For some dragons this is true for others it's not (I am looking at you Lunar frost!)
I would recommend searching the wiki for spawn durations in addition to checking the spawn calender.
My source for example is moslty : List of Dragons but also other players. Just give a shout in world chat some kind soul would probably respond.