Suggestion Scroll Drop Chance Van Cliff + Drakos


Apr 22, 2020
With most of us staying at lvl 72 to keep our loot from kyros f1+f2 ive noticed that at Van Cliff b22 onwards the droppchance/loot from bosses is minimal.

So increasing the Dropprate for 70 - 80 since Bone is part of bounty would be a good thing. One day the scrolls we collected will be gone so u "need" to have a char in that lvl range to farm extra scrolls if u dont wanna run all the way down to bonedragon.

Antares at Drakos most of the time dropps his blue hearts which are not needed for any Hero Quest or a Sec. Craft Recepie - so Antares actuall Loot should be changed so his blue heart is a rare dropp a Floor 45 high chance and a Floor 47 Scrool medium Chance - I dont mind running from floor 45 but the whole bounty process takes some time so cutting a few min has some impact.
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