Announcement Temporary Pause on Updates

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Oct 20, 2016
Before people panic, this isn't due to anything serious, but more to allow Dragon and myself time to actually sort out how we're going to handle translations.

Originally we were going to use a platform called Weblate, but it is an absolute mess (like most things made with Python) and it just was not worth the effort or time that I was putting in to trying to get it work.

We're since moved on to trying a new self-hosted called Tradoura (traduora: translation management platform for teams.) that is a bit simpler, but does not allow me to upload all 270,000+ strings to it all at once, so I am having to do so 10,000 strings at a time :'(.

That said, this has a rest API and we may be able to make it a bit more seamless than the current solution we were looking at, at least here is to hoping so.

The temporary pause means I will be temporarily disabling custom titles, and I will also not be doing much in the way of data updates. We will still be releasing Alstromera soon, as the data and everything for that has been done for a while.

I will update this post once I unpause updates.
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Oct 20, 2016
Seeing as people like to spread false rumors, I need to reiterate: we are not shutting down the server. This decision was made so Dragon and I can figure out a proper workflow for translations, so people other than English speakers can get updated strings.

Whenever we do data development, the strings get updated or modified and it makes it harder to manage.


Oct 20, 2016
Due to scalability reasons, we've had to go back to suffering through Weblate, and I am currently in the process of importing the existing translations. I am hoping to have that done sometime towards Tuesday or Wednesday (it takes several hours to import, but that is still better than the few weeks it was going to take on Tradoura).

Patches will likely start up again around the 20th or 27th, but there is a chance we may wait for translators to translate missing strings before then. This way we can do one large data patch with everything that is currently missing, and then start having people work on new string translation after they have a clean foundation to work from.
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