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F1 Mission Mode Quest Line (Lv.1+)
- 1.1 Quest 1: (Event)Runaway Boy (1)
- 1.2 Quest 2: (Event)Runaway Boy (2)
- 1.3 Quest 3: (Event)Finding Chuck
- 1.4 Quest 4: (Event)Investigation Cooperation
- 1.5 Quest 5: (Event)Finding an eye-witness
- 1.6 Quest 6: (Event)Theres no free lunch.
- 1.7 Quest 7: (Event)Testimony of Sneaky Thief Jess
- 1.8 Quest 8: (Event)Analyzing the result
- 1.9 Quest 9: (Event)Maestro of the forge
- 1.10 Quest 10: [F1 Mission Mode Unlocked] (Event)Enterting the Factory
- 1.11 Quest 11: (Event)Children in Danger (1)
- 1.12 Quest 12: (Event)Children in Danger (2)
- 1.13 Quest 13: (Event)Leftover clues
- 1.14 Quest 14: (Event)Inside the hidden place. . .
- 1.15 Quest 15: (Event)Great Bequest
- 1.16 Quest 16: (Event)World without mercy
- 2 F6 Mission Mode Quest Line (Lv.20+)
F7 Mission Mode Quest Line (Lv.20+)
- 3.1 Quest 22: (Event)10000th Proposal
- 3.2 Quest 23: (Event)What is Required for Love
- 3.3 Quest 24: (Event)Missing Proof of Love
- 3.4 Quest 25: [F7 Mode Is Unlocked] (Event)Team Chocolate Robbers?
- 3.5 Quest 26: (Event) Sweet Retrieval
- 3.6 Quest 27: (Event) Coofie's feeling
- 3.7 Quest 28: (Event)Bridge of love
- 4 Yamaki Rewards:
In this guide I will cover the Cookie Factory event quests.
You will want a character level 20+ or a friend who will carry you through some of the quests that require killing level 20 monsters.
It is highly recommended to level to 20+ first though and do Job Change to have a better experience.
You will need to be level 20+ to do the F6 and F7 Quest lines.
Potions are recommended.
The questline starts in port of the winds
Accept the quest and talk to NPC Walter
Accept the quest and talk to NPC Floran
Accept the quest and talk to NPC Gordon
Answer Gordons Questions:
Kill monsters in bearded whale coast and collect 20 empty box
Talk to NPC Gordon (Take the puff tower to Port of Winds center)
Talk to NPC Yamaki inside the Cookie Factory (Portal left of Gordon) and then return to Gordon
Kill monsters in jigsaw pincers coast and collect 20 cookie paper (take the puff tower to bearded whale coast and go to jigsaw from there)
Once compelete run back to bearded whale coast and take puff tower to port of winds center and speak to gordon
For this quest you need to enter the cookie factory again (left of gordon) but this time when in the lobby go straight up the middle path to the F1 mission portal, enter here and kill 50 monsters (1Map) once complete remote complete your quest and use the journal / quick quest menu to accept Quest 11
For this quest you need to exit F1 and enter it again as 3maps because you will need to kill 10 Bakery Guards and 10 Candy Shop Guards
which mostly spawn in the longer maps of 3map mode, once complete make sure to remote complete it and accept Quest 12 while still in the mission.
You should accept this quest straight after the last one and remain in the mission, now you have to simply go to the boss and kill it to complete, remote complete the quest and accept Quest 13 remotely
Tips for boss:
In each corner of the room there is some vents that will eject chocolate projectiles avoid these or they will turn you into a chocolate drop and cause you to move slowly and be unable to attack for a few seconds.
In the middle back there are a few guards that occasionally spawn.
F1 Mode is where you can earn F6 and F7 tickets for completion (and for SSS a bonus recipe box)
Stay in the mission and re-run 1map mode and kill the boss for a second time on completion remote complete the quest and remote accept Quest 14
Straightforward F5 mission completion.
In the boss room take the jump pad over to the main fighting area and climb the platforms.
After defeating boss speak to NPC: Derek
Tips for boss:
Recommended to bring potions as this boss can hurt as a low level player.
This boss fight is unconventional, as it has you fighting a boss in 2D space that remains in the background, however your attacks still reach him, just go up to the first platform infront of him and spam attacks, try not to knock him over too much as it can make the fight slower.
Try to avoid his projectiles, his head will set on fire when he is about to do a projectile attack, also avoid his sides because he will do some aoe drill attacks on both sides so you can try standing underneath him.
Talk to NPC Gordon
Return to F5 and defeat the boss once more.
On completion manually leave the factory and return to Gordon.
Mission Mode Questline is Complete.
Deliver chocolate cake to Sofia (The Bank Manager) (Make sure you have 1 space free in Misc)
Talk to Npc Gordon
Kill the following enemies inside F6
10 Bakery Guards
10 Candy Shop Guard
10 Icecream Store Guard
F6 requires tickets that can be obtained from F1 Mode.
During F6 you can spend Marshmallow (one of the many ingredients dropped from cookie factory monsters) as replacement for F6 perfect hunch.
On Stages 5 and 10 you will earn the F7 Tactical Defense mode point copier which can be used in F7 later.
Silver coins drop to all party members in a reward screen on Stage 5 (And 10 but you leave the dungeon before seeing the screen)
as well as from the elite monster spawned when guessing the correct direction of the next wave (100% chance to get it right when using the marshmallow)
You will get more Silver coins if you are using a full party.
It is important to remote complete and accept quests as soon as possible during F6.
This quest completes during stage 4
Reward: 2 Silver Coins
Kill the following enemies inside F6
3 Well Cooked Cookie
3 Less Cooked cookie
3 Chocolate cookie
This quest will complete by stage 7 if you accepted it on stage 4
Reward: 2 Silver Coins
Complete stage 10 of F6
Return to Gordon and turn in quest.
F6 Mode Questline is Complete.
Reward: 2 Silver coin
Talk to Npc Walter again (same npc from one of the first quests)
Reward: 2 Silver coins
Talk to NPC Amy
Reward: 2 Silver Coins
Talk to NPC Gordon
Reward: 2 Gold Coins + 2 F7 Tickets
Return to the cookie factory and enter F7 mode (requires F7 ticket)
Kill 10 Chocolate Mushrooms in F7.
In F7 you will earn Gold Coins every 5 stages
After stage 1 you will get enough points to buy every single upgrade from Head Scientist Noel (do this first)
after that you can focus on upgrading towers I recommend to buy 2 Blaze towers and upgrade them when possible, after awhile add a Freeze tower too, towards the end you can buy a 3rd blaze tower, this will all be more than enough to complete 40 stages.
On stage 11 you can start using the Tactical Defense mode point copier
Claim your points at the end of stage 20 by pressing Exchange to F7 Point
and use it again after straight away before starting round 21
and claim your points at the end of stage 30
use it again before starting stage 31 and claim finally at the end of stage 39
this is the maximum points you can get out of the multiplier.
This quest will complete on Stage 2 (Remote Complete)
Remote Accept Quest 25 after completion.
Reward: 2 Gold Coins
Kill Pudding type monsters and collect 10 Chocolate Boxes (make sure free space is in misc)
This quest will complete on Stage 6 (Remote Complete) If accepted on Stage 2.
Accept Quest 26 Remotely after completion.
Reward: 2 Gold Coins
Complete Stage 37 (F7) (Remotely)
Accept Quest 27 Remotely after completion.
Complete Stage 40 (F7)
After completing this quest your screen will be covered with a flash error this is because this cutscene uses flash and flash has been discontinued just hit the ESC key.
You have completed all of the Quests for Cookie Factory.
Now you can focus on farming the materials from each mode needed to get the rewards from NPC Yamaki.
Love Card (5 Silver Coin)
Balloon of Love (100 Chocolate Piece, 100 Milk, 100 Almond, 100 Silver Coins, 30 Gold Coins)
Valentine Event Egg (15 Silver Coins, 1 Gold Coin)
[Valentine] Feilon Pet Egg (20 Milk, 30 Silver Coins, 10 Gold Coins)
Heart Balloon/Chocolate Heart Balloon/Flower Bouquet Balloon/ Cloud Heart Balloon(20 Stick, 20 Silver Coins)
Pororing Balloon Blue (20 Sticks, 20 Silver Coins)
Pororing Balloon Pink (20 Sticks, 20 Silver Coins)
Pororing Backpack (Original) (20 Cjocolate Pieces, 20 Silver Coins)
Heart Glasses [Red] (50 Chocolate Piece, 50 Almond Piece, 15 Silver Coin, 5 Gold Coin)
Jack's Bean (5 Powdered Sugar, 5 Milk, 5 Flour, 10 Butter, 5 Silver Coin)
Patch Of Love [Red] (50 Chocolate Piece, 50 Almond Piece, 15 Silver coin, 5 Gold Coin)
Passionate Rose [Red] (50 Chocolate Piece, 50 Almond Piece, 15 Silver coin, 5 Gold Coin)
Pet Option Randomizer (6 Silver Coin, 2 Gold Coin)
Chat Emoticon - Valentine (5 Biscuit, 100 Silver Coin)
Candy Weapon [Pink]/[Blue] (150 Powdered Sugar, 100 Stick, 5 Biscuit, 90 Silver Coin, 20 Gold Coin)
Candy Shield/Talisman [Pink]/[Blue] (150 Powdered Sugar, 100 Stick, 5 Biscuit, 90 Silver Coin, 20 Gold Coin)
Cupid Set [Pink] (PER PIECE) (30 Powdered Sugar, 30 Marshmallow, 5 Chocolate Pie, 10 Silver Coin, Varying Gold Coin per piece)
Cupid Set [Blue] (30 Powdered Sugar, 30 Milk, 5 Chocolate Pie, 10 Silver Coin, Varying Gold Coin per piece)
Heart Glasses/Patch Of Love/Passionate Rose [Pink] (50 Milk, 50 Flour, 1 Lolipop, 15 Silver Coin, 5 Gold Coin)
Heart Glasses/Patch Of Love/Passionate Rose [Blue] (50 Milk, 50 Butter, 1 Lolipop, 15 Silver Coin, 5 Gold Coin)
Bathwater Balloon (10 Milk, 10 Butter, 20 Silver Coin, 5 Gold Coin)
F6 Ticket (1 Gold Coin)
F7 Ticket (3 Silver Coin)
Pororing Backpack (Pink) (20 Chocolate Piece, 20 Silver coin)
Cupid Set [White] (PER PIECE) (20 Powdered Sugar, 15 Flour, 10 Silver Coin, Varying Gold Coin per piece)
Strawberry Cake Hat/Cream Cake Hat/Fruit Cake Hat (10 Silver coin)
Lolipop Gloves (20 Powdered Sugar, 5 Lolipop)
Chocolate Gloves (20 Chocolate piece, 5 Chocolate)
Valentine's Day Bacpack (20 Chocolate Piece, 20 Silver Coin)
You can also use the various modes to level your characters, valentine food items can be crafted from recipes you will collect from the various modes these food items all are replacements for x2 exp pots and can be stacked with jack bean's as well which you can get from Yamaki.
You will want a character level 20+ or a friend who will carry you through some of the quests that require killing level 20 monsters.
It is highly recommended to level to 20+ first though and do Job Change to have a better experience.
You will need to be level 20+ to do the F6 and F7 Quest lines.
Potions are recommended.
The questline starts in port of the winds
F1 Mission Mode Quest Line (Lv.1+)
Quest 1: (Event)Runaway Boy (1)
NPC: FloranAccept the quest and talk to NPC Walter
Quest 2: (Event)Runaway Boy (2)
NPC: WalterAccept the quest and talk to NPC Floran
Quest 3: (Event)Finding Chuck
NPC: FloranAccept the quest and talk to NPC Gordon
Quest 4: (Event)Investigation Cooperation
NPC: GordonAnswer Gordons Questions:
Q1 Chuck
Q2. Floran
Q3 Fat boy with cookie lover
Q4 Cookie Factory
Q2. Floran
Q3 Fat boy with cookie lover
Q4 Cookie Factory
Quest 5: (Event)Finding an eye-witness
Talk to Jess in bearded whale coastQuest 6: (Event)Theres no free lunch.
NPC: JessKill monsters in bearded whale coast and collect 20 empty box
Quest 7: (Event)Testimony of Sneaky Thief Jess
NPC: JessTalk to NPC Gordon (Take the puff tower to Port of Winds center)
Quest 8: (Event)Analyzing the result
NPC: GordonTalk to NPC Yamaki inside the Cookie Factory (Portal left of Gordon) and then return to Gordon
Quest 9: (Event)Maestro of the forge
NPC: GordonKill monsters in jigsaw pincers coast and collect 20 cookie paper (take the puff tower to bearded whale coast and go to jigsaw from there)
Once compelete run back to bearded whale coast and take puff tower to port of winds center and speak to gordon
Quest 10: [F1 Mission Mode Unlocked] (Event)Enterting the Factory
NPC: GordonFor this quest you need to enter the cookie factory again (left of gordon) but this time when in the lobby go straight up the middle path to the F1 mission portal, enter here and kill 50 monsters (1Map) once complete remote complete your quest and use the journal / quick quest menu to accept Quest 11
Quest 11: (Event)Children in Danger (1)
NPC: GordonFor this quest you need to exit F1 and enter it again as 3maps because you will need to kill 10 Bakery Guards and 10 Candy Shop Guards
which mostly spawn in the longer maps of 3map mode, once complete make sure to remote complete it and accept Quest 12 while still in the mission.
Quest 12: (Event)Children in Danger (2)
NPC: GordonYou should accept this quest straight after the last one and remain in the mission, now you have to simply go to the boss and kill it to complete, remote complete the quest and accept Quest 13 remotely
Tips for boss:
In each corner of the room there is some vents that will eject chocolate projectiles avoid these or they will turn you into a chocolate drop and cause you to move slowly and be unable to attack for a few seconds.
In the middle back there are a few guards that occasionally spawn.
F1 Mode is where you can earn F6 and F7 tickets for completion (and for SSS a bonus recipe box)
Quest 13: (Event)Leftover clues
NPC: GordonStay in the mission and re-run 1map mode and kill the boss for a second time on completion remote complete the quest and remote accept Quest 14
Quest 14: (Event)Inside the hidden place. . .
NPC: GordonStraightforward F5 mission completion.
In the boss room take the jump pad over to the main fighting area and climb the platforms.
After defeating boss speak to NPC: Derek
Tips for boss:
Recommended to bring potions as this boss can hurt as a low level player.
This boss fight is unconventional, as it has you fighting a boss in 2D space that remains in the background, however your attacks still reach him, just go up to the first platform infront of him and spam attacks, try not to knock him over too much as it can make the fight slower.
Try to avoid his projectiles, his head will set on fire when he is about to do a projectile attack, also avoid his sides because he will do some aoe drill attacks on both sides so you can try standing underneath him.
Quest 15: (Event)Great Bequest
NPC: DerekTalk to NPC Gordon
Quest 16: (Event)World without mercy
NPC: GordonReturn to F5 and defeat the boss once more.
On completion manually leave the factory and return to Gordon.
Mission Mode Questline is Complete.
F6 Mission Mode Quest Line (Lv.20+)
(F1 Mission Mode Quest Line Completion Is required)Quest 17: (Event)Bitter Chocolate Cake
NPC: RonyDeliver chocolate cake to Sofia (The Bank Manager) (Make sure you have 1 space free in Misc)
Quest 18: (Event)Chocolate Meister
NPC: SofiaTalk to Npc Gordon
Quest 19: [F6 Mode is Unlocked] (Event)Distressed Chocolate Meister
NPC: GordonKill the following enemies inside F6
10 Bakery Guards
10 Candy Shop Guard
10 Icecream Store Guard
F6 requires tickets that can be obtained from F1 Mode.
During F6 you can spend Marshmallow (one of the many ingredients dropped from cookie factory monsters) as replacement for F6 perfect hunch.
On Stages 5 and 10 you will earn the F7 Tactical Defense mode point copier which can be used in F7 later.
Silver coins drop to all party members in a reward screen on Stage 5 (And 10 but you leave the dungeon before seeing the screen)
as well as from the elite monster spawned when guessing the correct direction of the next wave (100% chance to get it right when using the marshmallow)
You will get more Silver coins if you are using a full party.
It is important to remote complete and accept quests as soon as possible during F6.
This quest completes during stage 4
Quest 20: (Event)Sweet Attack
NPC: GordonReward: 2 Silver Coins
Kill the following enemies inside F6
3 Well Cooked Cookie
3 Less Cooked cookie
3 Chocolate cookie
This quest will complete by stage 7 if you accepted it on stage 4
Quest 21: (Event)Her Name is Ademia
NPC: GordonReward: 2 Silver Coins
Complete stage 10 of F6
F6 Mode Questline is Complete.
F7 Mission Mode Quest Line (Lv.20+)
(F6 Mode Quest Line Completion Is required)Quest 22: (Event)10000th Proposal
NPC: GordonReward: 2 Silver coin
Talk to Npc Walter again (same npc from one of the first quests)
Quest 23: (Event)What is Required for Love
NPC: WalterReward: 2 Silver coins
Talk to NPC Amy
Quest 24: (Event)Missing Proof of Love
NPC: AmyReward: 2 Silver Coins
Talk to NPC Gordon
Quest 25: [F7 Mode Is Unlocked] (Event)Team Chocolate Robbers?
NPC: GordonReward: 2 Gold Coins + 2 F7 Tickets
Return to the cookie factory and enter F7 mode (requires F7 ticket)
Kill 10 Chocolate Mushrooms in F7.
In F7 you will earn Gold Coins every 5 stages
After stage 1 you will get enough points to buy every single upgrade from Head Scientist Noel (do this first)
after that you can focus on upgrading towers I recommend to buy 2 Blaze towers and upgrade them when possible, after awhile add a Freeze tower too, towards the end you can buy a 3rd blaze tower, this will all be more than enough to complete 40 stages.
On stage 11 you can start using the Tactical Defense mode point copier
Claim your points at the end of stage 20 by pressing Exchange to F7 Point
and use it again after straight away before starting round 21
and claim your points at the end of stage 30
use it again before starting stage 31 and claim finally at the end of stage 39
this is the maximum points you can get out of the multiplier.
This quest will complete on Stage 2 (Remote Complete)
Remote Accept Quest 25 after completion.
Quest 26: (Event) Sweet Retrieval
NPC: GordonReward: 2 Gold Coins
Kill Pudding type monsters and collect 10 Chocolate Boxes (make sure free space is in misc)
This quest will complete on Stage 6 (Remote Complete) If accepted on Stage 2.
Accept Quest 26 Remotely after completion.
Quest 27: (Event) Coofie's feeling
NPC: GordonReward: 2 Gold Coins
Complete Stage 37 (F7) (Remotely)
Accept Quest 27 Remotely after completion.
Quest 28: (Event)Bridge of love
Reward: 4 Gold Coins and 1 Be My Valentine Achievement (Stats of Legend of Combo Medal)Complete Stage 40 (F7)
After completing this quest your screen will be covered with a flash error this is because this cutscene uses flash and flash has been discontinued just hit the ESC key.
You have completed all of the Quests for Cookie Factory.
Now you can focus on farming the materials from each mode needed to get the rewards from NPC Yamaki.
Yamaki Rewards:
Love Love Warp (1 Silver Coin)Love Card (5 Silver Coin)
Balloon of Love (100 Chocolate Piece, 100 Milk, 100 Almond, 100 Silver Coins, 30 Gold Coins)
Valentine Event Egg (15 Silver Coins, 1 Gold Coin)
[Valentine] Feilon Pet Egg (20 Milk, 30 Silver Coins, 10 Gold Coins)
Heart Balloon/Chocolate Heart Balloon/Flower Bouquet Balloon/ Cloud Heart Balloon(20 Stick, 20 Silver Coins)
Pororing Balloon Blue (20 Sticks, 20 Silver Coins)
Pororing Balloon Pink (20 Sticks, 20 Silver Coins)
Pororing Backpack (Original) (20 Cjocolate Pieces, 20 Silver Coins)
Heart Glasses [Red] (50 Chocolate Piece, 50 Almond Piece, 15 Silver Coin, 5 Gold Coin)
Jack's Bean (5 Powdered Sugar, 5 Milk, 5 Flour, 10 Butter, 5 Silver Coin)
Patch Of Love [Red] (50 Chocolate Piece, 50 Almond Piece, 15 Silver coin, 5 Gold Coin)
Passionate Rose [Red] (50 Chocolate Piece, 50 Almond Piece, 15 Silver coin, 5 Gold Coin)
Pet Option Randomizer (6 Silver Coin, 2 Gold Coin)
Chat Emoticon - Valentine (5 Biscuit, 100 Silver Coin)
Candy Weapon [Pink]/[Blue] (150 Powdered Sugar, 100 Stick, 5 Biscuit, 90 Silver Coin, 20 Gold Coin)
Candy Shield/Talisman [Pink]/[Blue] (150 Powdered Sugar, 100 Stick, 5 Biscuit, 90 Silver Coin, 20 Gold Coin)
Cupid Set [Pink] (PER PIECE) (30 Powdered Sugar, 30 Marshmallow, 5 Chocolate Pie, 10 Silver Coin, Varying Gold Coin per piece)
Cupid Set [Blue] (30 Powdered Sugar, 30 Milk, 5 Chocolate Pie, 10 Silver Coin, Varying Gold Coin per piece)
Heart Glasses/Patch Of Love/Passionate Rose [Pink] (50 Milk, 50 Flour, 1 Lolipop, 15 Silver Coin, 5 Gold Coin)
Heart Glasses/Patch Of Love/Passionate Rose [Blue] (50 Milk, 50 Butter, 1 Lolipop, 15 Silver Coin, 5 Gold Coin)
Bathwater Balloon (10 Milk, 10 Butter, 20 Silver Coin, 5 Gold Coin)
F6 Ticket (1 Gold Coin)
F7 Ticket (3 Silver Coin)
Pororing Backpack (Pink) (20 Chocolate Piece, 20 Silver coin)
Cupid Set [White] (PER PIECE) (20 Powdered Sugar, 15 Flour, 10 Silver Coin, Varying Gold Coin per piece)
Strawberry Cake Hat/Cream Cake Hat/Fruit Cake Hat (10 Silver coin)
Lolipop Gloves (20 Powdered Sugar, 5 Lolipop)
Chocolate Gloves (20 Chocolate piece, 5 Chocolate)
Valentine's Day Bacpack (20 Chocolate Piece, 20 Silver Coin)
You can also use the various modes to level your characters, valentine food items can be crafted from recipes you will collect from the various modes these food items all are replacements for x2 exp pots and can be stacked with jack bean's as well which you can get from Yamaki.
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