Bug Report Warlock Suggestions


Jul 26, 2018
Hello Adept Staff or who ever reads this.
I currently play Wizard/Warlock/Sorcerer in the Beta of Adepts Dragon Saga and wanted to make some suggestions to it.
First of all some stats on its Armor sets are not needed.
For example a Sorcerer has no use for Attackspeed in its set. Like present in the lvl 45 Miself set.
In my opinion it would be better to fokus more on the strength of the spells of the Sorcerer because uhm.. well its a Sorcerer and i rarely see Harry autoattacking.
I would suggest to give the class armors more of a critrate critdmg set effekt then attackspeed or an upgrade in min/max DMG like in the lvl 35 set present (this min dmg really helped me through Graveyard with the Watertemple Weapon).
Besides that all spell except for Fire Emblem feel lackluster (stand lvl 42).
My suggest would be to make almost all spells like Magic Missle where there is a short cast time followed by a stronger spell than just up the numbers.
Currently thats all suggestions i have to Sorcerer i will keep updating the thread as i proceed to play Sorcerer.


Sep 16, 2019

Every class has a lot of stats on their stats that are basically BS so don't worry about it. Sorcerers actually get their sets after lvl60. You normally take 3/3 chaos parts of lvl61/67 for double crit damage (unless changed here) if you want purely damage. I already saw that Bone and Secmathian (from paris) sets have been changed here so they are not that bad as well if you want to be more tanky.

While attack speed is definitely not the core aspect of sorcerers, you should actually use autoattacks and chaincombos. Even if it's just the first chaincombo to push mobs/enemies into Fire Emblem again (and stuck people in blizzard and so on).
Sorcerer is a control mage and there doesn't seem to be much action at first but once you get into PvP, it will be kinda hectic. Their spells are nice to clear big groups of mobs and all you have to do (if you have enough damage) is to put down one spell and continue. You don't even need to wait until everyone is dead.

Skills you should focus on are Fire Emblem (+ upgrades), Blizzard, Rockets, Pinguin and the Chili thingy. You may also skill the fart or big meteors, that's dependant on your style and what you use the sorcerer for.

If you have any questions, feel free to hit me up on Discord (Amadeus) or just hit me, Master >.<


Sep 16, 2019
Two suggestions, not that important though

- Fire Emblem cancelable like it was at the start
- Change "Sorcerer" to "Chaos Mage" because it sounds way more cool
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