
May 19, 2018
Hello AdeptGamers,

As most of you are going to be aware about our indefinite hiatus, I think now is a good time to ask for your feedback for our rework of the server (no data when).

We would like your general feedback and have 2 more questions. You can post all of this here.

What were you missing while playing on this server?
What do you think do all Dragonica/DragonSaga servers need, which most of them if not all lack?

We are looking forward to your responses.


Apr 18, 2021
"What was missing while playing on the Server?"
Save to say i played on a few of private servers of dragon saga and in the past a while on the main dragon saga server. What is lacking for me is that the server is really solo play based and most dungeons u can just solo threw what gets rid of the multiplayer purpose of these dungeons so maybe make a harder mode of the dungeon that u need better gear for or that u can do only in parties where you can get better rewards from and when nobody is on for quests and stuff you can still do the easier modes of the dungeon.

And maybe you can implement a "stop" at a specific level where you need to farm for equipment first before proceeding to a higher monsterarea or something like with stops by lavalon, nature dragon (forgot the name), aram etc.

"What do draagon saga servers lack?"
Maybe a farming feature for insurance scrolls, souls ( yes souls come by way to easy i believe on this server no popint in farming them what I really enjoyed before and that you can sell those then in the market for gold), gold etc.
Because as it is right now it seems that insurance scrolls are designed to be farmed by a higher level, what makes the lower levels very hard to farm for these, because you need so many for max level armor and weapons.

Ty for hearing me out,
for further questions in this post just ask me on Discord



Sep 16, 2019
I like the Free2Play-Pay2SpeedUp approach as it's back to Official's original intention before they went all combat-botting crazy. Though I'm unsure how to feel about direct Gold-IM conversion. At least it's a one-way trade outside of using market selling to other players. Potion merchants carrying Insurance and Randomizers helps.

Item Mall equipment having no stats and stat rebalancing overall are a good set of decisions. The decision to hold back or not go with any F6 rings and hold back on socketing until future revisions was a correct one as when maximized both inflate the power to insane levels.

The enchant system and soulcraft system got some much needed love with upgrading weapons/armor. Though I feel the multiple of the same option is a double-edged sword. One hand it compensates for 0-stat Item Mall Equipment and allows for unique ways to build your character. On the other, with how stats work you have Thieves/Archers maximizing STR for a better Attack stat. I feel like that needs to be continued testing. I liked the 100% chance enchants at milestone levels as it gave incentive to find a dedicated way to farm weapon/armor dust.

The leveling without F7 is reasonable in terms of pace. The Hero Quests are very clear which ones are necessary thanks to the Purple Story Quests. F1-spam isn't bad as filler as it benefits in the long run thanks to Gold.

I love the bounty system after it's redesign keeping things to their relative level ranges. (Didn't make sense to have level 70s run Farrel a level 20 dungeon). The rewards are good and I hope they see some expansion of rewards as new systems are reintroduced. (Example: Leveling skills beyond 5/5)

What were you missing while playing on this server?

Since it's essentially inactive was really only active playerbase. Which will improve certainly once it's relaunched with it's next update.

What do you think do all Dragonica/DragonSaga servers need, which most of them if not all lack?

Unique content updates. Many simply copy-paste unused/canceled content. Some servers attempt this with varying levels of success but mess up in terms of balancing afterwards. This server is making some good decisions and I wanna see what's coming next.


Sep 16, 2019
I played on this server since day 1 and played a few private server before. The game it self atm from all server is just to easy.

The game difficulty was at is best during the 2008-2009 era when the game was first released before all the difficulty nerf. This was a good era for this game.

what makes this game easier then it should be is the groogie bar.

Now what is the game lacking. Well content related to guild, more customization you already know what i mean. ““

next thing is of course at the moment the lack of content to play and the lack of equipment customization, what i mean by that is, you have pretty much 1 set and that all per x level step,

like dungeon set, bone/drakos/elga and so on.

and the stat here are always the same between set but only slightly stronger. We need more diversity.

and the last thing would be the enchanting / and soulcrafting work. And not many option for soul crafting bonus. “ i know the game it self is lacking in it”( base stat/ ms/as/crit rate and damage, and so on) that make the customization a bit lacking. And each class pretty much focus on pure damage over the rest since this is the most efficient thing to do, “in all server”

In dragon saga the class is laking specification. You have petty much 2.5 specification

1 dps
0.5 tank?

since there is no real agro system the tank is not really a tank , and all other class are mostly counted has dps but with different efficiency rate.

Making the game harder and adding a agro system so the tank can play is role would be a first thing to a better game.

For now that’s all. If i might add thing’s later on.


Sep 16, 2019
Part 2 : production system: we need a production system that would not affect character stat like the old one, we dont need all those card thing it would make the game even more pve unbalanced and even more easier.

so 1: not adding back windia plain, but adding the gathering spot in to the world map, so less used map would be visited and used for gathering material for the crafting system.

2.1 crafting system’s. The first would be to craft item for the guild system “hall customization” see the link on top for more info

2.2: crafting system would creat cosmetic item for the house just for the fun of it, and would be needed to upgrade a house size.

2.3: could be used to make new quests “type” community quest, collecting items to upgrade a town or something with a crazy amount of item needed for them. And that could be part of new content Unique quest”

2.4: im only trying to think about how to use the crafting system without making it characters upgrade related.

guild related would be the first part so it would be guild community related and make guild more fun, after characters house . Those 2 are the basic for it. After not sure how to use them. We don’t need more stats, so that would be the first change on it.


Sep 19, 2019
Unfortunate that the server is going on a hiatus but I hope it will come back one day as its my last server ill play DS on I guess.
Here are my 2 cents to the stuff asked above. I would like to break it down into 2 categories for now.

1. What did the server do good
- Definitely id say the thought process on first balancing the classes on current content and then releasing new content ( even if we didnt get to that part )
- The P2W aspect felt almost non existant here except for a few items but nothing that you couldnt live without
- I must say its definitely better to have enchanting with fixed rates then having buttloads of boosters to help out.
- The idea of implementing the holy trinity ( Tank, DPS, Heal) into the game was finaly a good step for the game as we cant really strive for a game where you can build a class of your own like ToS or other games of that kind.
- The leveling experience mostly through quests felt amazing especially the not too slow but not too fast experience. Id like to complain about something but more to that later.

2. What did the server not do so well
- well someone has to say it. Playerbase xD ( still better then playing with 300 dumbos though )
- I understand its not really what 1 developer can do but tooltips of skills would have required a rework after balance changes so numbers fit. Generaly all tooltips / descriptions overhauled to fit the server.
- Costume diversity missing
- More newbie tooltips that are kind of obvious and along the path of leveling. Even older players have asked milions of questions on how to level up here and so on which could be fixed with a massive board - Do quests or a pop up or whatever it is.
- I think goldfarming was a little bit too boring. Some more options would have been great

And now for a megathread to put in some more of what I am missing generaly / what Id like to see in this dumbo game if its not dead in a year categorized:

1. Pve
- For PvE content id like different difficulties for dungeons where you can have either different or upgraded rewards or rare materials ( one being for maybe solo second for a party third for a raid even?) Maybe having even added mechanics on top of existing to make it harder ( If you played WoW Mythic rading like maybe a timer when you have to finish it and curses where it drains your hp every 5 seconds or you cant jump or whatever
- Endgame content needs to stay as hard as it was when you had 0 gear but shouldnt become a total faceroll when you are maxed out on gear. It should just get easier but not afk fiesta
- Some more advanced mob / boss mechanics in the higher level areas would be great
- Jumping puzzles
- Community events
- A way of comparing 2 items to be like fictively max enchanted and soulcrafted without doing so. Gives more options to test stuff
- Jumping puzzles would have been cool as a ocasional event like you can participate once a week on it and there is a treasure chest if you loot it you get teleported out so you cant Alt camp it and get free stuff every week.

2. PvP
As there wasnt much PvP here id comment on what I experienced here and love to have someday
- Balance and hitboxes big factor that needs to be revised 10 times over.
- Definitely more games modes like ranked 2v2 arenas or 3v3 even 5v5 maybe ranked BSQ
- PvP exclusive gear like in other games with maybe an honor system or points collected / available only in PvP
- Open world PvP in contested maps where there are maybe rare mobs or something worth fighting for / over
- A dual talent system so you can switch between PvP and PvE build as skill points are a rarity

3. Guilds
- definitely needs a upgradeable guild house with asset placement available
- Guild vs Guild should be reworked from the ground making it a slaughter fest and not a afk on spot. Already reversing to the old Empo would be a big step forward.
- The guild level should be a limitation of something else and not player amount like you cant build a bigger guildhouse if you arent X X level and have X X amount of money
- Guild buffs definitely need some more of those so more prominent / rich guilds can provide players with more help to offer
- Guild events where you earn money / experience when you accomplish something with 3+ Guild members in a party or 5+ in a raid

4. Production
- I was really missing it on this server even afking in PoW farm was kinda funny after not being able to do so here
- I want a decent gathering system not afking in PoW farm and definitely not another f1 grind fest. I want random generated nodes around the world that I can mine and in contested areas I have to fight for.
- Production could step up finaly and not being just useless junk and xp boost but gear and weapons which might either be endgame items or like helpful newbie gear so you can join on endgame content without being totally green geared ( not soulcraft but garbage stats xD )
- When nobody needs the newbie gear some boosters specific to a certain production like Alchemy having elixiers to boost stats temporary, Blacksmith having platings and so on.
- A different fatigue system or more like going to the traditional MMORPG system of gathering where you earn experience after gathering and after a certain while the lower level nodes will have a lower chance to give you skill points.
- Id definitely love rare materials from endgame bosses for production to be dropped not only for collectible items that you can exchange for gear but actual material you have to process.

And now wishful thinking of a new class
- Id love to see a shape shifting class ingame someday. Literaly can take the models ingame of a wolf / bear / whatever the hell those ice worms in kryos are and give it some more abilities to have a really cool class.

I think thats all from me hopefuly the server makes a grand return one day if not so be it. It was fun until it lasted.
Your Chaos ( twin masterrace - If ur not playing a twin you never played the game xD )
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