I think it would be cool if once you enhance your weapon to 1 star you get a green glow, 2 stars blue glow, 3 stars purple glow, 4 stars orange glow, 5 stars gold glow.
There was something like that on the EU Servers before they shutdown. You can see it in action here
The glow was not only depending on your weapon, but whole gear. It also gave some additional effects, if you reach a specific amount of stars on one piece. Here in the video the whole equip has 5/5 Stars.
But Seiichi already mentioned in the discord, that they will probably not apply this update to the game with the effects shown. Dunno if there are plans for that, but I don't think that it will come to the game anytime soon.
Stimmt, du meinst mit Effekte extra Bonus auf Rüstung.
Ich hab aber auch hier im Forum irgendwann mal davon gelesen das es in DP hier nicht vorgesehen ist.