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Dec 17, 2020
Hi.. i played ALOT dragons prophet, and i was curious how many people, are playing here so i can evaluate for myself if its worth it investing the Time.


Oct 20, 2016
Hi.. i played ALOT dragons prophet, and i was curious how many people, are playing here so i can evaluate for myself if its worth it investing the Time.

Dragon's Prophet has never really been that popular due to client performance, lack of updates, and just overall appeal so it really depends on the individual. If you want a MASSIVE multiplayer game... Dragon's Prophet is not for you, as it has never been massive.

Our server is made up of the remnants of every official server, so we have people from EU/SH, Taiwan, NA and the other smaller regional servers. That also means that peak play times depend on the region you're interested in.

A lot of players stay to themselves or their own groups however. There is a huge number of players who have never talked in World Chat (which is essentially free).


May 13, 2020
Hi.. i played ALOT dragons prophet, and i was curious how many people, are playing here so i can evaluate for myself if its worth it investing the Time.
Hi LordRay ^^
Wenn du schon , wie du sagst , "viele Drachen Propheten" gespielt hast, solltest du doch wissen, das man erst wenn man selber spielt sieht wer und wieviele dort spielen ^^
Aber zu deiner Information - dieser letzte aktive Server ist die einzigste Möglichkeit DP überhaupt noch zu spielen ! Dem entsprechend gut besucht ist der Server und die Community setzt sich aus einem weltweiten Mix aller Fan´s zusammen .
Wir sind alle froh das es diesen Server gibt und wir dadurch die Möglichkeit haben , DP weiter zu spielen !
Darüber hinaus ist dies der beste Server den DP je gesehen hat - sehr hilfsbereite und freundliche Community , erstklassige Wartung und sehr interessierte und aufmerksamme Leitung der GM´s - im Ganzen gesagt -> DP hat noch nie einen besseren Server gehabt ^^
Spiele es und du wirst aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nach zum selben Ergebnis kommen ^^

If you have already played, as you say, "many dragon prophets", you should know that you only see who and how many are playing there when you play But for your information - this last active server is the only way to play DP at all! The server is accordingly well attended and the community is made up of a worldwide mix of all fans. We are all glad that this server exists and that we have the opportunity to continue playing DP! In addition, this is the best server DP has ever seen - very helpful and friendly community, first-class maintenance and very interested and attentive management of the GMs - overall -> DP has never had a better server ^^ Play it and you will in all likelihood get the same result ^^

LG Ruhloser^^

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