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  1. K

    Suggestion Summoner damage buff / Rework

    Hello there. Im nobody. Summoner dmg needs a little buff atm as its really underperforming in Elga or general boss content and struggles on fast clearing floors on drakos compared to other classes: So after the introduction here is my suggestion: If possible either cut the animations of skills...
  2. Zirothos

    Suggestion none 999 stack item list that should be 999

    in here we will post item that, don"t have a stack able number of 999 so far those 3 don't have 999 and what you see here is the max stack numbers.
  3. F

    Suggestion Make Event Pets tradeable?

    Does anything speak against making the valentine event pets sellable through the market? Greetings
  4. Snake Pest

    Suggestion Rejected Newbie level dungeon ancients

    Hello there, id like to suggest to remove the ''you're 5 levels above the dungeon level so cannot gain ancient points'' thing İ do understand some ancients might be in eggs but what if i used the dragon gods blood and skipped basically every starter dungeon then regretted it? Perhaps removing...
  5. G

    Suggestion Implemented New skytouched dragon

    Could you create a new skytouched dragon.. You always offer dragons with strength as main attribute. I have a mage and it would be nice to train a new dragon. I like dragons with glimmer effekt. I like dragons like Samael and the new purple chinese dragon, but they don't have int as main...
  6. F

    Suggestion Change the Seteffects of Lvl. 61+ Chaotic Ninja Sets

    Change the 3-Part-Seteffect of the Chaotic Gourian and Chaotic Gyrophic Sets from CR to FCR to be in line with the previous lower-level Chaotic Sets. If you do the numbers there is no possible szenario where 8% CR results in more FCR than 3,5% FCR. Not even with 2000+ AGI. Therefor the lvl. 61+...
  7. F

    STR to ATK ratio is incorrect

  8. G


    When I look into the website I want to read the "new posts". Could you implement a link for new posts from Dragons Prophet and new posts form dragon saga.. I only play Dragon's Prophet and don't need the infos for dragon saga.. If I don't open the other news, the list will be longer and longer..
  9. Lalolalo9

    Suggestion Make Hydras (or just dragons in general) great again!

    Hi I've noticed there aren't that many make dragon great again threads hence I decided to post one. I think dragons are really powerful however they have been overshadowed by the orange gear players can equip. lvl 60 gear sets give 330 health and 100 extra damage. lvl 70 gear sets give 150...
  10. Haildrake

    Suggestion Rejected Take a Walk on the Shax Side

    So this would definitely be something that would be far down the road but I'd love to see the possibility of characters having more interaction with and even joining the Shax as they go about their adventure. - Ideally this would work thru the achievement system and side quests done thru each...
  11. F

    Suggestion Rejected New ways to get a dragon

    Hello, I would like to suggest a free dragon egg for example once a month, containing a few dragon species to choose from, as a form of login rewards or in different way. In my opinion people like to have a choice and to have an element of a surprise. Or it can be a reward for login every day of...

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