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Bug Report Bugs&Suggestions


Sep 15, 2019
  • Fix Secma set parts stats for Summoner
  • Fix Secma recipe for Drakans
  • Add Bone shield drop
  • Add Drakan Bone Wings drop
  • Summoned creature armor (from passive skills) not displayed in the BattleSquare
  • Fix scroll abuse
  • Option "Display HP bar" randomly disabling
  • Couple breaking when exiting the game
  • Sometimes you can't enter Black Claw Nest dungeon (nothing happening after pressing F1)
  • Sometimes nothing drops from Elga 3rd stage Treasures
  • Soul Stealer Ring can be soulcrafted
  • Red Fox Delta mob name
  • Channel swap crashes
  • Text goes out of the field



  • Macros slots bug
  • Rokko, Pythanous, Arka, Carsharp F5 quests doesn't give scrolls and dust
  • Drakans can't get Grind Master and God-like control achievements (Growth tab)
  • Set bonus exp doesn't work with exp potion
  • Stats of pieces of twin secma and bone sets should be swapped
  • Add Monster cards
  • Increase damage of ultimate skill
  • Add scaling enchant/soulcraft rates for each fail (Suggestion - Gear Progression - Soul Crafting and Enchantment)
  • Increase exp from Drakos bosses and Paris
  • Add recipe for Bone Cape and Shield
  • Add recipes for Red Fox Delta armor/shields, Akanai shields
  • Add scaling dungeons for bounty quests
  • Make repeatable quests for bounty tokens
  • Reduce damage from meteorites in Lavalon battle
  • Increase Bone Dragon hp
  • Replace damage from homing boss attacks to debuffs
  • Increase damage for boss skills that you can dodge
  • Increase duration of Smart Shot (summoner)
  • Change Skill Point requirement for Awakening (1->5)
  • Remove element tabs from profile (Resistance & Attribute)
  • Remove Defence orders from boss drop
  • Add scroll drop to each floor in VC dungeon and Drakos tower (B23-B25, Fl.41-Fl.50 etc)
  • Increase poison and bleeding damage
  • Add more ways to obtain Skill Points
  • Change +1 SP to +5 SP scroll from Hunter G quest
  • Add medals for City hall Sewers, Water Temple, Kundara Dungeon, Red Fox Delta, VanCliff Fortress, Tower of Truth (Drakos)
  • Improve the graphic quality of Paris set (comparing of set and pet: Imgur Imgur)
  • Add world chat
  • Same font color in chat after relog
  • Change gacha box drop to only useful items (bone/secma piecesm gems, bones)
  • Any other ways to get randomizers
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Sep 16, 2019
- Add Bone Shield drop/recipe
- Add recipe for Bone Cape
- Add recipes for Red Fox Delta armor/shields, Akanai shields
- Change level requirement for Red Fox Delta to 55 lvl
- Add scaling dungeons for bounty quests
- Make repeatable quests for bounty tokens
- Increase lavalon hp and dmg
- Increase Bone Dragon hp
- Replace damage from homing boss attacks to debuffs
- Increase damage for boss skills that you can dodge
- Change Paris shield damage to 5%/10%/15% of maximum health per hit
- Fix mission farm for priests/summoners
- Add scaling enchant/soulcraft rates for each fail (+3% from original chance per fail)
- Increase Bone Weapon damage (Imgur)
- Add skill like Awakening Charge for generating mana bullets for Lavalon boss battle (5k mana for 1 bullet), you can add it as Item Skill for Lava sets
- Increase Paris exp
- Add God cash sets (Zeus, Hephaistos, Hades, Poseidon, Artemis)
- Fix Secma set parts stats for Summoner (for Mirage too?)
- Increase duration of Smart Shot (summoner)
I would like to add

- Add another way to farm souls, and make it a bit faster 15k in 8hours is not really good (paris working on fix)
- Add a way to get to paris faster 10fl is way too much with that amount of hp and mobs, yes I know you should have arte and +20, but get that first as I said 8h of farming for nothing
- Fix the invoker sets, cuz they are not useful tbh, secma and bone are not giving useful stats besides int and cr dmg


Sep 16, 2019
-Increase duration for Dual shot
-make Paris wing in to Universal Secmathian piece for all class and add a new bonus set
- increase the drop rate of Dark soul stone
-add a hidden zone for lv 64+
-Update the animation of ''priest Chain lighting'' animation look like paper drawing overlapping
-Lower the Skill point cost of all Ultimate skill > increase all ultimate skill damage
-increase the White bone drop from 3 to 5
-add Dust box in the bounty board > 100 weapon dust for 3 token / and 200 armor dust


Sep 16, 2019
I would also suggest lowering the gold cost on reparing for weapons like Lighting Oak, Vailiant etc. just the set weapons like zauharant dont cost anything in reparing, have higher durability etc. .


Sep 16, 2019
1 > make the drop rate from mini boss of Drakos and Van-cliff mansion 100% for all eligible level (15lv average)

2 > fix the >> Focus on menu and sub menu and text > it's seem to be mostly cause by the party and player casting a skill around you.


Mar 19, 2019
Guild and Hunter quest > Remove all PVP quest from them,
If it's the bugged or long and annoying 80mins pvp ones why not but all of them ? Why ? It may be useless now but it's not like you can't get one other guild member to come afk for a while in it especially since it's GUILD quests which affects every member. Deleting all of them would be pretty stupid imo


Sep 16, 2019
If it's the bugged or long and annoying 80mins pvp ones why not but all of them ? Why ? It may be useless now but it's not like you can't get one other guild member to come afk for a while in it especially since it's GUILD quests which affects every member. Deleting all of them would be pretty stupid imo
Agree and it doesn't even take 5min. The other player just needs to relog a few times, done


Sep 16, 2019
Teleportation card : are you able to change where the card teleport you in maps that already have teleport tower so the CARD send us to the teleport tower and not to the start of the map


Sep 16, 2019
Suggestion for hunter and guild quest : When you get a quest to kill a specific monster and the monster exists in mission zone, make the mission zone to select automatic map to where we can find the monster.

2nd thing is for Guild quest: add a similar reward like hunter quest> Reward after each quest.

3th thing make us able to select which quest to take from from the 10 random quest that is auto selected every day. (hunter and guild)


Sep 5, 2017
Increase damage of all ultimate skills and lower the cooldown to maybe 1-2 minutes?

EDIT: Also increase the damage of the weaker awakening skills, and if possibly speed up the animations?
For example Ninja's first awakening is really fast and deals so much damage compared to for example the Sorcerer's first awakening where you are also stuck in place, throw enemies randomly in the air and deal subpar damage.

Thanks for reading!
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Sep 16, 2019
having a way to add ''tag icon'' above a player or a monster like in FF14 and WoW. some time you are just blind and you can't see to seems where a certain player is on your screen.
Possible TAG ICON , a shield (for tank) (sword(dps)) a ((A))((B))((C)) (Circle) Triangle) and a (square) thing like that.

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