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Recruiting Guild Vesania

May 16, 2017
The doors of the legendary guild Lautus Vesania are opening, once again, for all those that seek the gospel of madness!
Accepting players both new, old, and active alts with no home.
This is a guild that strives to participate and engage in all aspects of this wonderful world! Wars, dueling sessions, world boss raids, epic dungeon crawls, crafting mastery builds, and much more!
The guild will remain capped at 50 members to better maintain a strong, family oriented community.

Send my character "Ethric" mail in game if you wish to join or search us up under the name "Vesania" and request to join that way.

Thanks for reading.
Last edited:
May 16, 2017
Still active and looking for players! Please feel free to apply via the Lyaree Brotherhood agents. Have a great day and enjoy the game!

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