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Suggestion Invo


Sep 16, 2019
I would suggest to change the invo passives to somewhat useful things, many spells are also useless or not needed. You porbably know the problems yourself... furthermore just a few sets give attack speed which is definitly needed since you only spam xxxxxxxxxxx and do some healing. I would like to see some suggestions from the players on what to do with invo since its neccesairy for the dungeons in early game atleast...
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Sep 16, 2019
useless move from Healer class that need rework

1: Sanctuary : the fix HP healing is totally useless > change it for a low % of Hp or Magic power of the caster
2 Arc Sanctuary : same problem but for that maybe % MP heal would be better
3 Chain lighting > remove the cost of MP per/sec and Buff the damage and make the skill a style more like World of warcraft > cast > zap bounce to monster heavy damage > go to cooldown real mana cost
4: Healing wave > same problem has Chain lighting
5: Barrier > Make it party wise and not caster only
6 : Mana transfer > give to everyone > if more then 1 player is in the zone split it equally > EX: 10%MANA / 2 player > 5% per player and so on
7> Blessing : the buff is ultra weak and would be to be a base on final numbers and not base numbers
Diffusion canon and dual shot make the class do a bit to much damage for a support class. but we cant remove it so maybe ''lower the power on it'' (i play invoker and i know it would be annoying to see a nerf but this is needed) > base on this the class would need 1 or 2 new attack skill to compensate for this damage reduction overall since (99%) of the damage done by a invoker is from X spam.


Sep 16, 2019
Blood Fever is also pretty useless... I heal myself and Party members why would I need hp regen ? As well as HP Recovery Increase also not really useful. Well if we see Invo only as a supportative Character there are characters that shoot up way higher in terms of damage if you just use the Shaman as an example. He does more dmg and clears faster. Invo would be useless if you take away the main source of dmg and that leads to the character being useless. If you think about Elga runs, an Invo is not needed at all later on in the game, cuz healing becomes redundant.


Sep 25, 2017
As an Invoker main I personally understand that yes, the x spamming does need to be reduced / nerfed , many people will threaten to kill you and your family for making such an absurd suggestion.

The reality is we need more diversity in both the Invoker and shamans class, shamans have a lot of skills in their skill tree that could be made to make that class much more diverise than spamming X

And it’s the same issue with Invokers they need more damage related skills that’s don’t feel like a waste of time using when you can put damage them by holding X.

I would like to see the support role be more needed / useful, having revive skill reworked so it is more effective with a lower cooldown.

it may even be a good idea to add new active skills to the class for damage purposes.


Sep 16, 2019
Increasing the durability of staffs. Staffs have the lowest durability ingame yet burn through them the fastest with their spam


Sep 16, 2019
for resurrection start with a fix mana cost and remove the % cost and make the skill work on any dead player not party base (raid mode) And for attack skill im still thinking of what we could add. Base on light/lightning/fire base spell.


Sep 16, 2019
Lighting Rush > skill passive > Class monk > need lv 2 of lighting strike skill > add effect of lighting strike generate an electric field after the charge from point A to B (length of the charge)> effect damage per/sec during the zone and Slow 5/10/15/20/25% >>2sec/3/4/5/6/ > slow duration < while in the zone) Cost 15 skill point per lv

Rework of lighting strike > remove throw in to the air > replace for fall down so they can be affected by the electric zone

Skill Holy Judgment: Class priest
>Summon a holy spear from the sky and create a zone on impact >Heavy damage on hit > damage on holy zone after impact medium > 5/5/5/5/5 sec zone no other effect touch all monster in the zone after > touch 7/9/11/113/15 monster on first hit >>>Cool-down ( Close to spark rock maybe) SKill point 20
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Sep 16, 2019
Monk skill > Rain of fire > add the capacity to touch monster in the air since the animation of the skill fall down from the sky

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